Teeth Anatomy

What are the different parts of the tooth?

  • Corona: This is the visible part of the tooth normally opening the mouth. The shape of the crown determined tooth function. For example, front teeth are sharp and chisel edges are shaped for cutting, while molars have flat surfaces for grinding.
  • Gum line: Is the joint edge between the teeth and gums. Without proper and without proper flossing, tartar and plaque buildup in this brushed line leading to gingivitis and other gum diseases.
  • Root: The part of the tooth that is embedded in the bone. The root makes up about two-thirds of the tooth and holds the same place.
  • Enamel: the outermost layer of the tooth. Enamel is the hardest and most mineralized tissue in the body; however, may deteriorate if teeth are not cared for properly.
  • Dentin is the layer of the tooth under the enamel. As the enamel has no feeling in the dentin is millions of small ducts or tubules that lead directly to the dental pulp, so it is a sensitive layer. If decay breaks through the enamel and reaches the dentin, pain occurs and can even infect the dental pulp.
  • Pulp: This is the soft tissue found in the center of all teeth. In it are the nerve tissue and blood vessels. If decay reaches the pulp feel much pain.
  • What are the different types of teeth?
  • Each tooth has a specific task or function (Use the dental arch in this section to locate and identify each type of tooth):
  • Incisors: The anterior teeth with sharp edges chisel-shaped (four upper and four lower) are used for cutting food.
  • Dogs: teeth are shaped (or cusps) and are used for tearing food. They are also called canines.
  • Premolars: these teeth have two pointed cusps on their biting surface, so it is also called bicuspids them. The premolars are for crushing and tearing.
  • Molars: used for grinding, these teeth have several cusps on the chewing surface.

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