Why should I go to the dentist

BEFORE the emergence of modern dentistry, people used to experience pain and loss of dental pieces from their youth. To have stained or misaligned teeth, or even to have lost them, affected many people. Those who no longer had teeth in their old age could not chew and consequently suffered malnutrition and died prematurely. Today, most people who go to the dentist get rid of the pain, retain their teeth all their lives and have an attractive smile. How has dentistry achieved these three notable goals?

Preventive dentistry, which focuses primarily on education and regular check-ups, has been a key factor in preventing pain and tooth loss. Jesus declared, “Those who are healthy need no physician” (Luke 5:31). Indeed, some people have benefited so much from oral hygiene education campaigns that rarely need treatment.

However, there are many who avoid going to the dentist. Some do not seek dental treatment for indifference, others for the expenses involved, and some are not going for fear. Whatever your case, it would be good to ask yourself, “What can the dentist do for me? Is it worth a visit? “To understand the importance of preventive dentistry,

How dental problems begin

The dentist can save us the torment of pain and loss of teeth. With the collaboration of the patient, the specialist tries to counteract the effects of plaque, a thin film of bacteria that sticks to the teeth. Bacteria feed and multiply thanks to food particles; Transform the sugar into acids that attack the tooth enamel and cause it to become porous. Over time, cavities occur when the porous enamel crumbles and creates a cavity or hole. At this stage there is no discomfort, but when the infection reaches the pulp cavity of the tooth, there is usually acute pain.

The bacteria that form the plaque have another way of tormenting us. If it is not removed by brushing, the plaque hardens and forms a calcified deposit called calculus, or tartar, which can cause the gums to swell and separate from the teeth, forming a void where food remains, a feast for bacteria that can infect the gums. It is possible to control this problem with the help of the dentist, but if no treatment is sought, the tissue that supports the teeth can be so damaged that they fall. More teeth are lost for this cause than cavities.

Saliva provides some protection against this double attack of bacteria. Whether you have eaten a whole meal or just a cookie, saliva needs between fifteen and forty-five minutes to remove food particles and neutralize the acids present in dental plaque. The amount of time will depend on how much sugar or leftover foods have stuck to your teeth. Apparently, during this interval is when the denture is affected. Thus, the extent of the damage does not depend on the amount of sugar ingested, but on the frequency with which meals and sweet snacks are taken. As the flow of saliva decreases during sleep, one of the most destructive things you can do to your teeth is to go to bed without brushing them after eating sugary foods or drinks.

Preventive dentistry

The specialists recommend to undergo revisions once or twice a year, depending on the state of the teeth. During the checkup the dentist is likely to take some x-rays and carefully examine the dentures for cavities. Using a local anesthetic and a high-speed lathe, you can usually fill the cavities you find without causing pain to the patient. In the case of the most fearful, there are specialists who have begun using lasers or gels to dissolve cavities. These can reduce or even eliminate the need for the lathe or a local anesthetic. When it comes to children, dentists especially look at the teeth that have just left to see if they have cracks or holes in the bite surface that would be difficult to clean with the brush.

In that case, in the case of adult patients, the dentist is primarily concerned with the prevention of gum disease. Therefore, if you find any deposit of hardened tartar, scratch it to remove it. Many people tend to overlook certain areas of their teeth during brushing; so maybe your dentist will tell you how you can brush them better. Some even send their patients to a specialized dental hygienist to give them the necessary guidance.

Corrective dentistry

If your teeth are damaged or misaligned, or lack any, you will be happy to know that there are many new techniques to correct such situations. However, corrective treatments are expensive, so be careful not to exceed your budget. In spite of everything, there are many people who think the expense is worth it. Perhaps the dentist can give you back the ability to chew or make your smile more attractive, a matter of no small importance, since an unpleasant denture can influence your quality of life.

When the front teeth are broken or stained, the dentist may recommend a sheath, perhaps translucent porcelain that looks a lot like natural enamel. The covers stick to the surface of damaged teeth, giving them a new shape and appearance. If the teeth are more damaged, a crown may be used. This piece covers what remains of the tooth and provides a completely new surface, whether of gold, or a material of natural appearance.

How can the dentist help you if you have lost a tooth? You can make a removable partial denture, or a fixed bridge that rests on each side on a dental piece and hold one or more false teeth. Another option that is becoming very popular is the implant. It consists of inserting in the mandible an anchor of titanium in the place that occupied the tooth; when the bone and gum have regenerated, an artificial part is placed on the anchorage. It’s almost like having a tooth of your own.

Misaligned teeth can be a source of shame; In addition, they are difficult to clean, which exposes them to diseases. Misalignment can also cause pain and difficulty chewing. Fortunately, dentists can usually correct these problems with the help of orthodontic appliances. Thanks to recent advances in design, modern appliances are less visible and need not be adjusted so often.

Some dentists are giving more importance to treating bad breath. Most people have bad breath from time to time, and some suffer from it on a regular basis. The possible causes are several. There are dentists who have the means to diagnose the specific cause. In many cases it is the presence of bacteria, often in the posterior region of the tongue. Brushing or scratching the tongue may help as well as chew sugar-free gum to increase the flow of saliva. Washing your mouth is particularly important after consuming dairy products, meat or fish.

Lose fear

If it causes you too much anxiety to visit the dentist, he will certainly help you lose your fear. So tell him how he feels and tell him what gesture he will make with his hand when it hurts or is afraid. Many patients have found that gives them more confidence.

You may fear that the dentist will scold you or belittle you for not taking better care of your teeth. But, since such comments would scare the clientele, their fears are likely to be quite unfounded. Most dentists are interested in being polite when talking to their clients.

Many people avoid going to the dentist because they worry about what it will cost. But if you can do a review now, you will avoid problems in the future and will not have to undergo expensive treatment. In many places there are different levels of dental services adapted to each pocket. Even the dental office with the most basic equipment usually has x-ray machines and a high-speed lathe. Dentists can perform most of the procedures without hardly causing discomfort to the patient. In addition, the cost of local anesthetics is low enough for most people, even if their resources are limited.

The dentist’s mission is to relieve the pain, not cause it. Dental treatment is no longer the traumatic experience our insurance grandparents remember. Since healthy teeth contribute to better overall health and can help you enjoy life much more, why not pay a visit to the dentist? You will be pleasantly surprised.